This module overrides the default checkout messages behavior to disable auto-hiding of messages.
This Magento integration only supports credit card payments. ACH and surcharge support is currently under development.
Download the latest release of this module .
Extract the contents to
directories don't exist yet, create them)Rename the extracted directory to
, the end result should look like this:<magento_installation_directory>/app/code/Custom/PaymentGateway
Run the following commands to enable the module
<magento_installation_directory>bin/magento setup:upgrade <magento_installation_directory>bin/magento setup:di:compile
Validate the installation by running the following command
grep Custom_PaymentGateway <magento_installation_directory>/app/etc/config.php
The result should look like this:
'Custom_PaymentGateway' => 1,
- Open the Magento Administration page
- Select STORES from the menu on the left, then select Configuration
- Open the SALES collapsible on the left and select Payment Methods
- Scroll down until you find the Custom Payment Gateway collapsible and open it
- Change Enabled from No to Yes
- Add your API Key
- Add the Base URL where the API requests will be sent to.
- Click Save Config in the top right corner
Base URL
Integration test
For testing purposes use the url with the corresponding API key.
Going Live
Change the URL for with the correct API key.